Pupil sparing 3rd nerve palsy
SHORT CASE B.MADHU KUMAR 1701006016 PUPIL SPARING 3RD NERVE PALSY A 45 year old female tailor by occupation came with c/o headache with dragging sensation in the eyeballs since 3 days Dropping of eyelid since 1 day Double vision in the right eye since 1day Vomitings since 3 days HOPI: patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back.then she had diminision of vision for which she went to a ophthalmologist in nalgonda, they prescribed glasses for her eyesight. Then after using them for few days she got severe headache with dragging sensation in both the eyeballs. She went to a hospital in suryapet and was prescribed by pain killers. Then next day she developed swelling of right eye, drooping of eyelid, double vision in right eye and vomitings since 3 days which was non bilious, non projectile No h/o sudden onset weakness of limbs No h/o any dizziness Not a k/c/o DM, HTN, TB , ASTHMA, CVA, CAD GENERAL EXAMINATION: patient is c/c/c No p...